Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Personality and Writing

I took the Jung Typology Test in Psychology class recently and was attributed the personality trait of INFP. This stands for Introverted, Intuitive, Feelings, Perceiving. This was described in my sources to be a person who is an Idealistic healer type. This person is laid back, and focused on making the world a better place for others. In addition it described INFP’s to be intuitive and emotionally based in their behavior. There were some aspects of myself I think the test got right, while there are some I disagree with. The test did a good job of pointing out that I’m laid back. This is very true. Also, it detailed that I have a strong sense of morality, or a value system, which is also true. And overall the results seemed to characterize much of who I am, in that I’m idealistic, I lend toward English and writing, rather than math and science, and that I want to help people. However, on the other hand, it did state that all INFP’s are perfectionists, which is something I am very far from. Also the profile showed that INFP’s didn’t use logic to analyze situations, which is something I do heavily.

Overall, I think the test did train in on some important characteristics of my personality. I believe that it is beneficial in helping people map out their strengths and weaknesses. It shouldn’t be relied on to dictate one’s future, but it can be used as a general indicator of someone’s tendencies. The careers the test chose for me were quite interesting. They ranged from Religious Education and counseling to Music and Writing. I think music would be an appropriate choice for me, since it is one of my great passions in life. The career indicator was pretty interesting and seemed to do a good job based on the information given. One major criticism of this testing system would be that it is not exhaustive. It is just an indicator, rather than absolute proof. People should remember when taking this test that it only points out little aspects of who we are as individuals; it is we ourselves who make up who we are.

It would be very interesting to see my friends take this test. It would most likely explain a lot of interactions between us all. I think my good friends who score in various places, some closer to mine, while others, I assure you, would be far off. I think this shows the diverse nature of my friends. Like all of us, I want to hang out and be friends with those who share some commonalities with me, but each one of us is different in how we relate and live. This, as you know, creates the most interesting social situations that we all take part in on a daily basis. I think my personality affects the way I write as well. Because we all have different personalities, we were all created unique. The Jung Typology is yet another way to delve into the wonder of human interaction.

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